Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) Foundation Film Scholars Program is stimulating and supporting new and significant works of film scholarship. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be established scholars, writers, historians or researchers possessing either a significant record of achievement, or exceptional promise and demonstrated accomplishments in their field. Applicants must have written and published at least one book or a comparable collection of articles or monographs. AWARDS: Two grants of $25,000 will be made to qualified and worthy applicants, as reviewed and selected by the Academy's Grants Committee and staff. The Academy will distribute the grant money in two parts: at the commencement and upon completion of the proposed project. The Academy will also cover travel, lodging and per diem expenses, if necessary, for the recipients to attend the Film Scholars awards luncheon and to make their lecture presentation. DEADLINE: Application materials must be received by October 3, 2011. WEBSITE: